Pokemon Slot Machine Prizes

All of the slot machines have different odds, which change every time. Play each machine 4 times, and if it hits 2 or more, then stick with that one, because it's probably hot. If the slow machine.

In the event center, the user was presented with a slot machine with three wheels. Each spin will spin all 3 wheels and land on a random tile. Then the user must make pairs of three to win a random type of the Pokémon tile it landed on.

This was the first event to be introduced via a mini-game. There was a small chance to win a Diglett (Christmas), Caterpie (Christmas), or a Pikachu (Christmas). This event started on December 15th, 2016 and ended December 27th, 2016.

Spin2Win - Christmas 2016 Event FAQ[edit]

The Slot Machine

Q - How much does it cost for each spin?
A - The cost is varying depending on how rich you are as a player. The price per spin in relation to your total money are as follows:

  • Less than 5,000,000 - 500/spin
  • Between 5,000,000 and 10,000,000 - 1,000/spin
  • Between 10,000,000 and 20,000,000 - 2,000/spin
  • Between 20,000,000 and 30,000,000 - 3,000/spin
  • Between 30,000,000 and 40,000,000 - 4,000/spin
  • Between 40,000,000 and 50,000,000 - 5,000/spin
  • Over 50,000,000 - 10,000/spin

Q - What combinations class as a winning spin?
A - The following combinations are winners:3 x Charizard - Spin refunded.3 x Blastoise - Spin refunded.3 x Venusaur - Spin refunded.3 x Caterpie - 1 random Caterpie (Christmas) Promo code.3 x Pikachu - 1 random Pikachu (Christmas) Promo code.3 x Diglett - 1 random Diglett (Christmas) Promo code.

Q - How many times can I spin?
A - As many times as you like until you run out of money. Then simply battle in Vortex to make more money.

Q - How many prizes can I win?
A - Again, as many as you can afford to spin for.

Q - What are the odds of winning a prize on each spin?
A - Each spin has a win ratio of 1:1728.

Q - How long will my won promo codes last for?
A - 48 hours after the event has ended, all unused promo codes will expire so be sure to use them while you can.

Q - How many promo codes can I store to use later?
A - As many as you like.

Q - The slot wheels don't move, what's wrong?
A - We have tried our best to make this mini-game compatible for every browser. Unfortunately, this proved quite a task for some browsers such as Internet Explorer. We highly recommend you use Google Chrome for playing this event.


Pokémon obtainable from this event[edit]

Pokemon Blue Slot Machine Prizes













Pokemon Yellow Slot Machine Prizes







Pokemon Crystal Slot Machine Prizes

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